Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) policy
Ensure the Health & Safety of all personnel from risks arising from worksite hazards and the protection of Environment from process effluents and pollutants.
"Zero Harm" to people, Assets and Environment
Golden Rules
All employees and contractors are empowered to start work only when conditions are SAFE and to stop work when conditions are SAFE and to stop work when it is UNSAFE. HSE is the responsibility of all personnel, from the Chairman to the employees on the shopfloor.
HSE has top priority over everything else we do
- Commitment
- Ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and standards
- Achieve continous improvement in HSE performance
- Set objectives and targets, measures, appraise and publicity report HSE performance
- Work in partenship with our contractors to manage HSE in line with this policy
- Consistent application and demonstration of HSE culture, shall be factored in the appraisal of all employees and contractors and reward accordingly
- Equip everyone with the necessary tools (Training, Personal Protective Equipments, Systems etc.) to effectivily deliver the above stated objectives
- Achieve efficient use of material and energy
- Danamin has an HSE management system (HSE-MS). It provides and simple, structured and auditable documentation relevant to all the potentials risks identified in operations.
- Danamin follows the Incident Pyramid defined by Frank Bird and maintains an auditable HSE-MIS. All incidents including near misses are investigates and lateral learning/findings are cascaded to employees to prevent reoccurence.
- HSE is our over-arching priority and our Target is "Zero Harm" to people assets and environment.